Saturday, October 25, 2008

LHM not out of the woods yet . . .

Previously, on AllThatJazz, we documented some of the medical troubles that Jazz owner Larry H. Miller had experienced over the summer. Unfortunately he's not out of the woods yet. He does continue on with a hard regime of physiotherapy and tries to push himself. Though that type of rehabilitation can only go so far. The both Salt Lake Tribune and ESPN both report that Miller has had to undergo surgery for a bone infection. Over all from what little information has been released, I think he'll recover. This is just yet another injury for our team though, and we're getting pretty dinged up and the season hasn't even started yet!

The only thing we can do is continue sending out positive thought as, no doubt, the best Doctors in the state of Utah are on the case. (He's is apparently to Utah what Kim Jong Il is to N.Korea, but without all the crazy or sun glasses...)